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Why Are Some People Bad At Public Speaking?

Some People Suffer a Terrible Fear of Public Speaking Which Leads Them to Perform Badly in Presentations.

It’s common to feel anxious about public speaking. In my role as a public speaking coach, I have seen thousands of people feeling nervous and shy when they have to speak in front of an audience. For some people, public speaking is genuinely anxiety-provoking and terrifying. So why are some people bad at public speaking? And what can we do about it?

Some people are bad at public speaking because they’re not confident in their abilities. They may fear being judged or embarrassed or not knowing what to say. Others may be too nervous about speaking up or freeze up when it’s their turn to talk.

Here are some possible reasons why some people are uncomfortable with public speaking.

So Let’s Explore Why Are Some People Bad At Public Speaking!

Afraid Of Being Judged

People are bad at public speaking because they are afraid of being judged. That is the number one reason why people do not like public speaking.

People are worried about how others will view them when they make a mistake. This fear can manifest itself in several ways, such as avoiding eye contact with the audience, rushing speaking, or avoiding speaking altogether.

They are concerned about their reputation and how their speech will be received if poorly delivered. People shun public speaking because of this. Alternatively, they wouldn’t put themselves in a position where they might receive feedback.

Not Prepared

Some people have panic attacks when speaking in front of an audience. The reason that so many people are bad at public speaking is that they are not prepared. They wait till the last moment to write their speech, and then they try to memorize it verbatim. This approach is almost guaranteed to fail, as it’s impossible to remember everything perfectly under pressure.

Furthermore, repeating a speech word-for-word often makes you sound robotic and unnatural. A better strategy is to write an outline of what you want to say and then practice your speech in front of friends. That way, you’ll sound more relaxed and confident when you speak.

Not Confident In Their Abilities

Many people don’t realize that the root of their fear is not the actual act of public speaking but rather their lack of confidence. When we believe we cannot deliver a successful speech, our nervousness and anxiety take over, leading to a less than stellar performance.

The lack of confidence manifests itself in several ways. For example, many people freeze up when they have to speak in front of an audience. Suddenly, their mind goes blank, and they have no idea what to say because they fear making a mistake or sounding foolish.

Other people try to compensate for their lack of confidence by speaking too fast or using filler words such as “um” and “like,” which can make them challenging to understand and make them appear nervous.

Engagement Issues

When standing in front of a group, it can be tricky to gauge how well you’re receiving. Are they engaged? Bored? Confused? It’s up to the speaker to try and read the room and adjust accordingly.

Often, people get so caught up in their nerves that they fail to see how their audience reacts. It can result in a disconnect between speaker and audience and, ultimately, a bad public speaking experience for everyone involved.

It will show if you’re not confident in what you’re saying. Practice makes perfect, so the more you prepare, the better you’ll be at engaging with your audience and delivering a great speech.

Dearth Of Practice

Some people are born with the ability to captivate an audience; most of us have to learn this skill. Most people are bad at public speaking because they don’t practice enough. You’re more likely to make mistakes and look unprepared when you avoid practicing – the more you avoid practicing, the worse you get at public speaking, and the worse you get at public speaking, the more you avoid practicing.

The key to becoming an excellent public speaker is to break out of this cycle by forcing yourself to practice, even when you don’t want to. It means giving speeches whenever you can, whether in front of a small group of friends or a larger audience.

Difficulty In Organization Of Thoughts

A speaker must be able to hold an audience’s attention long enough to convey their message. You need to be able to connect the dots for them and lead them through your thought process in a way that makes sense.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to do this. Instead, they start with their main point and then try to work backward, filling in the details as they go along, which often results in a rambling, incoherent speech that leaves the audience lost and confused.

Get Nervous And Freeze Up

When faced with an audience, people’s natural inclination is to worry about what others will think of them. It leads to negative thoughts, including the fear that we’ll say something wrong or that others will ridicule us.

The fear of embarrassing themselves or being judged can lead to anxiety and paralysis, making it difficult to focus on the task. Additionally, many people are not accustomed to speaking in front of large groups.

As a result, they start to hesitate and trip over our words, which only makes the situation worse.

Born Introverts

Lastly, some people are often bad at public speaking because they are introverts. While it is true that introverts tend to be shyer and reserved, this is not the only reason why they may struggle with public speaking.

Another critical factor is that introverts generally prefer to spend time alone rather than in large groups of people because they may not have had as much practice honing their social skills. Additionally, introverts tend to be more sensitive to stimuli, which can make them feel overwhelmed in a busy room full of people.

As a result, they may become tongue-tied or struggle to put their thoughts into words. Introverts can learn to overcome these challenges by practicing in front of a mirror or with friends and family. They can develop the skills necessary to become confident public speakers with time and effort.


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